Copyright Ownership / 6 of 10

Text Box: Now you know what is copyright, the rights of ownership, and fair use, next you need identify WHO owns the copyright of materials.

As indicated earlier, copyright protection kicks in as soon as the work is in a fixed format such as a workbook, training manual, videotape, etc. Typically, the person who wrote these materials automatically acquires the copyright— but not always.
Rounded Rectangular Callout: Sam, I need you to write a training manual for our new employee orientation.
Text Box: When work is created by an employee within the scope of his or her employment, then the copyright belongs to the employer. 

Click here to listen to more details about work made for hire.
Rounded Rectangular Callout: Mr. Smith, I’m sure my consulting firm will do a great job creating this training program for you.
Text Box: When work is commissioned and both parties agree the work is made for hire, then the copyright belongs to the employer or client paying for the services. Typically, a contract is written to stipulate who has copyright. 
Text Box: Click here to watch the flash movie on work made for hire.