Instructional Design Series

Copyright Issues for Performance Technologist


In this lesson, you will learn what copyright law is and the types of work which can or cannot be copyrighted. Additionally, this module introduces you to the exclusive rights of copyright ownership, which is not unlimited, and  has an expiration point. It is important to learn about these laws because as instructional designers, you produce works which may or may not be owned by you. Moreover, some pictures, audios and the like used within your training workshops may be copyright protected which prevents you from using them without permission. Being familiar with these topics and copyright law in general will help keep you out of court as well as protect your own interests.




At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

·          Define copyright

·          Name the eight categories protected by copyright

·          Name the four categories not protected by copyright law

·          Recite the six exclusive rights of copyright ownership

·          Comprehend the length of a copyright

·          Analyze how fair use plays a role in using materials

·          Identify who owns a copyright

·          Display your copyright notice

·          Register for a copyright



Definition and Categories

Exclusive Rights

Fair Use


Copyright Ownership

Notice of Copyright

Registering for a Copyright




Text Box: Please Note: This workshop is designed for educational purposes. Any and all legal questions should be addressed by a licensed attorney from the state in which the laws pertain to your situation. Do NOT use this information as a substitute for legal counsel.