Transfer and Notice of Copyright / 7 of 10

Text Box: After copyright is established, it is useful but not mandatory to distinguish the work as copyrighted. Remember, with or without notice, once the work is in fixed format, then it is copyrighted. No notice is required.

However, the benefit of a notice is to make the public aware the work is copyrighted and cannot be used without the owner’s permission. If a law suit ensues, then the infringer cannot say he or she was unaware that the work was copyright protected because the notice was clearly stated on the work.
Text Box: Proper notification requires three items.

The copyright symbol needs to be listed.

The year of first publication. 
	Copyright © 2006

3.   The copyright owner’s name.
	Copyright © 2006  Third House Inc.

Copyright © 2006  Third House Inc.

Text Box: Transferring Copyright Ownership
Any one who has ever written a journal article and received acceptance is familiar with copyright transfers. After accepting your work, the publisher sends a written statement for the author to sign saying, 

Click here to see an example.

PLEASE NOTE: According to the U.S. Copyright Office, a transfer of copyright is not valid unless it is in writing and signed by the owner of the copyright. Additionally, one can record transfers with the Copyright Office, but it is not required for a valid transfer.

Text Box: Notice of Copyright